Welcome to the House of Manna Bread of Life Church Pastored by Marcus Dixon and First Lady Minister Dixon. We would like to invite you to fellowship, learn, grow and love one another in Christ Jesus.
Our Mission
Our Goal and Vision is to help by reaching one through love, commitment, fellowship, and teaching the Word of God!
Our church offers the most traditional settings for your most sacred celebration.
Sunday Service: 11am
Sunday School: 10am
Bible Study: Thursdays 7pm
Jesus Loves You
Inspiration of the Week
Latest News
Radcliff City Council Meeting
​Special Events
Making a Difference Conference 2024
Contribute to M.A.D. Conference 2024 Here
P.H.A.T Rally Praising His Awesome Truth
Making A Difference Men's Conference
Hardin County BCA AAU Tryouts
These Are God's Three Wills
1. God's Intentional Will - These are the desires of god's heart for us, His ideal plan, flowing out of His goodness, such as that none should be lost [Matt. 18:14].
2. God's Pemissive Will - This is what God will accept, given our choices, good or bad, in particular circumstances, so as to not limit the free will He has given us. He accepts that some will be lost [1 Cor. 1:18] .
3. God's Ultimate Will - This is how God achieves His ends, given man's choices, be they good or bad. He works all things together for the good of those He called, who love Him [Rom. 8:28] . This means He can ultimately get His good in spite of man's bad.
We don't have to have to look far for darkness in our community, but we do have to look deep within ourselves to see if we have the light of Jesus Christ to shine light and hope to the lost of this world! It does not do us any good to build up a building and the people are ignorant of the light! (HELLO SOMEBODY!)! HOLY SPIRIT WARNING ME ABOUT WHAT I'm ABOUT TO SPEAK! Now Marcus you might get in trouble for telling this(telling the truth!) (SMILE!)! I'm going to bear my cross! Heyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! If we teach tradition, doctrine, denomination, and ceremonial teachings and that's it, we harm or brothers and sisters more than we help! The light of Jesus is not solely just for you, but so you can give hope, wisdom, and life to an unbeliever or backslider! (MERCY!)